

Welcome to Everything Shyusized, where I write about travel, style, and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

Living in The Time of COVID-19

Living in The Time of COVID-19

With the U.S. on month 7 of the COVID-19 madness, this year has definitely been the most challenging one yet. Back in March, though we knew it would take more than just 2 weeks of quarantine to get through COVID based on the situation in Asian and Europe, we were hopeful that in a couple of weeks, life would get back to normal. No one really expected to be in on this wild ride indefinitely, but here we are.

During quarantine, I have a lot of time to self reflect, re-discovered my passion for fashion, beauty, and design, set aside time for cooking and baking, started exploring embroidering, and even picked up a couple books (!!!). I’m taking this time to try and do things that I normally wouldn’t have time to or otherwise feel too lazy to do so, including picking up writing again on this blog!

It is easy to get into a depressing hole right now, so it’s important to find things to do that will keep your mind exercised and occupied. But remember that what works for others may not necessary work for you, just celebrate the little victories in your day to day life.

Here’s the making the most out of this uncertain time, and know that together, we’ll come out stronger!

To Gin and Love

To Gin and Love