

Welcome to Everything Shyusized, where I write about travel, style, and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

To Gin and Love

To Gin and Love

With our friends getting married in London, we took this opportunity to spend some extra time in the city and also visited Paris. I’ve heard a lot of high praises about both cities so I was thrilled to be able to see it for myself.

This trip was such a great, relaxing trip that allowed us to literally eat our way through these two beautiful cities. Being able to explore using public transportation is one of my favorite ways to explore a city, and reminds me a lot of home.

I love the contrast of modern and historic architecture within one city, the photos really don’t do them justice. The vibe in general is just slower (in a good way), which is very different than your usual day to day in the States. I can’t wait to go back and visit again!

Living in The Time of COVID-19

Living in The Time of COVID-19

Italy Photo Diary

Italy Photo Diary