

Welcome to Everything Shyusized, where I write about travel, style, and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

Work, play and everything in between bag stable

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetNo matter where I go, I always make sure I have these items in my purse before I leave the house.  They're nothing fancy, but just some necessities I can't live without.

  1. Keys - Can't lock the doors without them, can't get into the car without them, gotta have them!
  2. Wallet - I sometimes compact them into a smaller card holder, depending on where I go.  But usually I like to take the whole thing because then I know I've got everything I need in there.
  3. Phone - I simply can't live without.  I rely on GPS way too much when I drive, and I always like to make sure I have my phone just in case I get locked out of my apartment/car/office.
  4. Something for the lips - I don't really care if it has colors, I just want something that will keep my lips hydrated.  They get so chapped especially when I spend all day in the office (the heater is a killer).  They are such a necessity for me that I leave one at my work desk, one on my living room desk, and a few in my purse just in case... I'm kind of like the crazy lip product lady I guess.
  5. Hair tie - For the days you just hate your hair, hair tie is your best friend!  I usually keep at least one in my purse, and in the event that I used it and forgot to put it back... Well, that just puts a big dent on my day.
  6. Hand cream - This is kind of a new thing for me.  I've never cared for hand cream because I never really feel the need for them and thought they just make my hands more greasy.  But as I get older and working in a space with heat/ac on for more than 8 hrs a day, my hands started to get dry and uncomfortable especially in the afternoon (or maybe it's just because I'm getting older...), I started to see the benefit of hand cream and now keep one at my desk and one in my purse.

What items are your must have when you leave the house?

Current lip favorite

Finally achieving the natural beach wave