

Welcome to Everything Shyusized, where I write about travel, style, and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

A taste of fall

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetToday I'm doing a little preview of my fall wardrobe as a final prep of my capsule wardrobe for fall (I'm already 2 weeks behind because the weather in DC just don't seem like it can make up its mind and it was close to the 90s today).This fall I see myself in comfortable booties, classic patterns, rich colors like purple and aubergine, jeans and scarves.  I will be bringing in some darker, richer colors to the mix to compliment the season.  I'm also very excited about able to spice up my outfit with some scarves because you can get pretty creative with the patterns and it's a good way to add a pop of color into your outfits.  I recently acquired this yellow scarf because I think the color is perfect for fall, the combination shown in the picture also happens to be the color scheme of my alma mater (go jackets!) which is perfect for gameday!I will hopefully be able to start my fall capsule wardrobe soon *fingers crossed*, I'm very excited about what I have lined up and I can't wait to share with you guys!

On my face today #6

Peanut butter bootie time