

Welcome to Everything Shyusized, where I write about travel, style, and everything in between. Hope you have a nice stay!

Skin care update: mom knows best

Skin care update: mom knows best

When it comes to skin care, my mom is my go-to person. She's a believer in anything Sisley (and Estee Lauder) when it comes to skin care, and I'm glad she introduced the brands to me. I've been branching out and experimenting with new skin care items recently, but nothing is comparable.During my trip home she helped me restocked my skincare stash, and now I have a full set of skin care items in my collection! These are some of my favorite items from the stash, I love the consistency of them and how they make my skin feel moisturized but not greasy. Skin care is definitely something very personal, and what works for you might not work for others. I'm glad I was exposed to good skin care routine early on, and hope to keep exploring as I go.

Glossier phase2 and more

Glossier phase2 and more

A mini Houston work trip

A mini Houston work trip